Our Past
Chester Odd Fellows was first chartered on May 10th, 1905 with 20 Charter Members and disbanded in 1945 after 40 years of service to the Chester community.
In its early years, the Lodge met in numerous locations in Chester, to include the Chester Masonic Lodge #94 on Dodomeade St and upstairs of the Burton Brothers Grocery store.
Some of Chester's most recognizable names were Odd Fellows: Harold T. Goyne, Sr (Board of Supervisors & Goyne Chevrolet Owner), C.E. Curtis (School Board), W.F. Burton (Oil Distributor), C.B. Graves (Postmaster), and R.D. Moore (Moore's Lake).
One of the last acts of the former Lodge in 1943 was donating their land and building to the first fire station in the county. This is what is now known as Chester Fire Station No. 1, located at 4325 Old Hundred Rd. on Route 10.
Our Adventure of Restarting the Lodge
In the fall of 2019, a group of concerned county residents were yearning and searching the internet exploring for something that Chester was missing and needed. They looked at the Elks, the Eagles, the Optimist Club, and tens of other organizations, but something kept drawing this group back to the Odd Fellows. The name.... the history.... the purpose and goals.... all of it spoke louder than all the others.
In early January 2020, an ad was taken out in the Village News and some private invites were made and a meeting was held on January 15th. Coincidentally, this was the Founder's birthday. Learning of that just hours before the meeting only cemented what already felt right for the future of Odd Fellowship in the Chester community. Over the next two months, others came to our meetings expressing an interest also.
In late March, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our in person planning dinners and meetings were suspended. Communications were continued through texts, phone calls, video chats, and group messages. Fortunately, a strong friendship had already bonded us before the pandemic hit.
Meetings resumed on October 14th for the first time since March 25th and Chester Odd Fellows received its charter on December 13th, 2020 with 18 Charter Members.
For the duration of our chartering process and for the first 9 months of Lodge meetings after chartering, we met at Bizworks (2545 Bellwood Rd). Since October 2021, we have re-lit the flame of fraternal sharing by meeting at the Chester Masonic Lodge, just like we did over 75 years earlier!
Since our re-chartering, we have initiated 18 additional new members as of 7/30/22!
What We Believe
"How am I going to spend my life?" That is a question that Odd Fellows ask themselves. We base our thoughts and actions on healthy philosophical principles. We believe that life is a committment to improve and elevate the character of humanity through service and example.
We are advocates of Friendship and never look at people with prejudiced eyes or base our judgement on outward appearances. We do not take an undue advantage of our power or the weaknesses of those around us. We are gentle in behavior and never inflict pain. We are enactors of Love in a way that we feel jointly responsible for our fellow men and women and are prepared to give attention and help wherever and whenever help is needed. We treat others with dignity and respect and believe we have an obligation to contribute in making the world a better place to live. We are pursuers of Truth and adhere to equality, justice, and righteousness. We believe that making good and well-considered choices is called "behaving in a responsible way".
As an organization, the IOOF aims to provide a framework that promotes personal and social development. For members, the degrees in Odd Fellowship emphasize a leaving of the old life and the start of a better one and of helping those in need.
The command of the IOOF is to "Visit the Sick, Relieve the Distressed, Bury the Dead, and Educate the Orphan"
Upcoming Projects/Events
"Odd Sausage" Fundraisers will be every November.
Currently, we have adopted the care of the Burgess Family Cemetery in the Enon area of Chester, which has family ties back to the original Chester Odd Fellows lodge! We're excited to grow on this project!
We also encourage you to contribute to either or both of the below organizations, as our membership consists of leaders within these groups and they are worthy causes!